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Betta Fish

Betta Fish

Betta fish species has its own unique appeal and Because The fish is usually used for complaints fellow betta fish. So, if you have more than one betta fish, do not ever put the fish in one place. Put the fish hickey in its own place. You can use the jars as a medium.

Betta fish Also has many types and color variations that make-freshwater fish looks very beautiful. Variations in color can be yellow, brown, red, green, blue, brown, gray and white. Ornamental fish body shape is rather small. Fins long dangle until it looks the entire body is covered by the pretty colored iridescent fins are. And if you want to distinguish between male and female, can be seen on the body of the female betta fish on average smaller than the male betta fish.

Very much betta fish species have distinctive characteristics of each. Ornamental fish species has a unique character and growing niche to aggressively defend itself. In the betta fish lovers, fish Reviews These were divided into two groups:

Betta fish for Fights

General characteristics betta fish complaints such as his full-pressed body (Slender), when Viewed carefully there basins subtle end of the body to the side of the abdomen, scales small thickness, the shape of the forehead like Arowana fish, ring thick lips, fingers the tail fin finely meeting (fingers fins are largely vulnerable to fungi, when the fin is torn or Injured), the inherent low profile (relaxed but alert), a group of betta fish this model of the average king's heart on the battlefield, attack enemies without mercy, sometimes ended with his death.

Betta fish Ornamental

Betta fish are a group of the most Instant confirmation kept by lovers of ornamental fish. This is Because The group has a betta fish fin tail color and beauty. It is not found in the group with complaints or betta fish betta fish wild. Because many people who maintain that a group of betta fish, then the hobbies vying for cultivation and doing crosses with other fish species to get more beautiful and diverse.

Halfmoon Betta Fish
As the name Suggests, this type of halfmoon betta fish has fins and tail as if fused in a semicircle. If viewed from the side, shaped like a fin Halfmoon Betta next month. Halfmoon Betta fish reared for its beauty is very attractive. Betta fish species has a very diverse color variants ranging from yellow, red and other color variants.
Betta Fish

Crowntail Betta Fish
Betta fish Crowntail global Become Because variations beauty. Freshwater fish is called crown tail or the tail crown Because if reversed face up on its tail would look like a king's crown.

Crowntail betta fish species have many variants. The tail there are single, where only one in each tail flipper bones. Also, there is two or tails double. Beauty betta fish tail acclaimed and competed at the International Betta Congress (IBC).
Betta Fish

Plakats Betta Fish
Plakats comes from the term in Thailand Whose meaning roughly that fight or fight. As the name implies, this type of betta fish is commonly used as a betta complaint. Thailand does have a tradition of fighting betta legendary.
Betta Fish

Fins and tail betta fish usually short placards not like hickey halfmoon and crowntail. Because of the short, the fins give the impression of a solid and Sturdy. Movement types of complaints that the betta fish is not very elegant, but looks more frightening.

Double Tail Betta Fish
Betta fish type is called double tail Because The tail split in two, like two tails. Double tail betta fish are relatively difficult, to develop. Therefore, its existence is rarely found in the market.
Betta Fish

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