Hemianthus callitrichoides "Cuba" | FishandAqua

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Hemianthus callitrichoides "Cuba"

Hemianthus callitrichoides "Cuba"
plantsnshrimps.com image
Hemianthus callitrichoides "Cuba"
aquaticplantcentral.com image
Hemianthus calli trichorides were introduced by the company Tropica from Cuba in 2004 and found his way so relatively late in the aquarium hobby. The plant was discovered by Holger Windeløv about 90 km east of Havana in a rocky river during the dry season. The density pad-like existence was rooted in the gravel between large rocks about 50 cm above the water level, and it was to be assumed that he is during the rainy season in up to 1 m deep water with the torrential flow.

With its sheet size of only four times three millimeters this Hemianthus is currently regarded as the smallest aquarium plants in the world. He already for several years is one of the most popular plants in aquascaping.

The Cuban Perlkraut comes mostly as emers drawn plant with roundish leaves in the trade. In the leaf axils are found occasionally the tiny white flowers.

Popular names: Perlkraut Cuban, Cuban dwarf pearl herb Cuba dwarf pearl herb
Full botanical name: hemianthus callitrichoides Griseb.
genus: Hemianthus
Level: intermediate
Using: nano aquarium, focus group, foreground groundcover
medium growth
Color: light green
pH: 5-7
Temperature tolerance: 18 - 28 ° C
Carbonate hardness: 0-18 ° dKH
Total Hardness: 0 - 30 ° dGH
source: Flowgrow
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