Freshwater fish has a Latin name Scleropages sp. Many unique designation for the name of this arowana fish, including super red arowana fish, fish payang, dragons, heavenly, silok, Kalasa, siluk and Kalasa. The ornamental fish belonging to the group of ancient fish because the egg is almost similar and the large size of quail eggs. In addition, including fish that have a large body size can reach 1 meter less.
Arowana fish are often found in freshwater Kalimantan and Papua. However, now many people who breed freshwater ornamental fish. Because of ornamental fish is a lot of demands and have a fairly high price.
There is a myth in society if keeping fish arowana, can bring good luck and are believed to keep the home of the ghost of a bully. But this is only a myth circulating in the community. On the other hand, arowana fish is very beautiful and has many kinds.
Arowana fish normally live in marshes scattered in the southeast asia. In Indonesia, the fish are scattered around New Guinea and Borneo. Arowana fish has a body shape that is unique and beautiful. The shape is elongated and slender resemble blades. In addition, this beautiful fish also has its own characteristics, which is two antennae that are in the lower lip. The tentacle useful as a vibration sensor to determine the position of prey. Swimming movement of fish is also very graceful and her scales shiny beautiful progressively increased.
There are many types of arowana fish that exist around the world. We'll see 10 types of most expensive you should know.
Super Red Arowana
Super red arowana fish or red arowana is the arowana fish from Indonesia. Arowana fish species are more easily found in West Kalimantan as Kapuas River and Lake Sentarum. But, this time super red arowana fish is very easy to find because many arowana fish species bred by arowana fish lovers. |
As the name implies this arowana has a red color on the fins, tail, paddle, and whiskers. When it reaches a size of about 25 cm ring will begin to appear, but not yet issued a red color. The red color on the body will begin to come out when the fish are about 3-4 years old. Ring in the arowana is shiny color on the edge of the scales
But the arowana fish lovers often use a trick to speed up the exit and growth of red color. Such as by tanning, good feeding or by placing the fish in the pond that is exposed to direct sunlight.
Cross Back Golden Arowana
Crossback golden arowana fish species or x black golden comes from Malaysia. Is actually one of the golden arowana fish species. As adults, the fish comes a circular ring across her back so named x back. Arowana color on the fish species is diverse, ranging from a blue base, purple base, silver base and gold base. image |
Red Tail Golden / Golden Red
Types of red tail golden arowana fish are one of the golden originating from Indonesia, particularly Sumatra PekanBaru. This arowana fish is more aggressive than a black golden cross. As well as X Cross Black Golden, these fish also has a diversity of basic colors like blue base, green base, and gold base. This arowana can grow larger than the black golden cross. image |
Silver Arowana / Brazil Arowana
Arowana fish is a type of silver arowana fish are most frequently encountered. Because this type of arowana fish is usually sold at an affordable price. But if Arowana has large very beautiful to the view.
Later it was rumored that the arowana fish species has existed with platinum silver color (silver color resembling the color of platinum and evenly distributed throughout the body).
Banjar Arowana
Banjar Arowana fish is a fish arowana that has a rounded head shape with her mouth. Arowana fish types can be called a kind of red arowana two levels and is known instead of a pure strain of red arowana fish. These arowana fish have fins color of pale orange, yellow or orange tail. When viewed at a glance, similar to a banjo arowana fish pink. Thus, the new arowana fish lovers not uncommon fooled by the similarity that belongs to both. |
Jardini Arowana / Irian arowana
Jardini arowana fish species originated from Australia. However, arowana fish is more often found around the river until Merauke district of Papua province. Therefore, the type of arowana fish is also called Irian Arowana fish.
Jardini arowana fish is a type of arowana fish that is quite unique. Arowana fish commonly called arowana jardini also has a brownish base color with golden bint spots in the middle of the scales, head, section fins and tail.
Golden Pino Arowana / Green Arowana
Pino golden arowana fish is the arowana fish species that we can meet in several Asian countries such as Indonesia (precisely in Borneo), Malaysia, Thailand and Cambodia. |
Black Golden Arowana
Arowana fish is black golden arowana fish species that can be found in areas such as Bukit Merah Malaysia, Johor, Terengganu, and Perak. Black golden arowana is one of the golden arowana fish species. This arowana fish color as the name that has a golden color wrapped with thick black scales. Black golden arowana difficult to obtain. Thus, these arowana fish species are more expensive when compared with other types of arowana fish. images |
African Arowana
African arowana fish is the arowana fish species from areas of eastern Africa such as Cameroon, Senegal and Gambia. The arowana fish has a body shape that is almost like silver arowana fish. However, there is little difference between the African arowana fish with silver arowana fish that forms the head of the African arowana fish smaller than the silver arowana fish.
Arapaima Gigas
Arowana fish arapaima gigas is the largest freshwater fish in the world. This arowana fish relatives, the adult can reach more than 3 meters long, weighing up to 200 kg. They belong to the fish that breathe by taking air directly from the atmosphere. Therefore, these fish have to come to the surface every 5-20 minutes, depending on size. Young fish, usually appear on the surface once every 5 minutes, while the adult fish appear every 18-20 minutes. |
By the time the water environment arowana fish is shrinking and decreased oxygen levels, arapaima will breathe air directly from the atmosphere, And if the water in a dry environment, it will furl themselves into a ball, and immerse themselves in the hole until the water comes back.
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