Tetra Fish
Neon Tetra (Hyphessobrycon innesi or Paracheirodon innesi) is derived from the Amazon region, near the border with Peru. In the wild, these fish are omnivores. Body color is very spectacular and luminous. Soft green back with a light blue stripe along its body. Her belly is white and the base of the tail to the top of the bright red. Fins transparent, colorless. Maximum body size is only about 3 cm.Meskipun neon tetra can adapt well to changes in water conditions, in nature these fish inhabit the waters are slightly acidic (pH rather low), low hardness and the temperature is between 20-26 ° C.
Neon tetra fish can live up to five years. Neon tetra fish is very easy to keep in an aquarium with water that has a pH of about 5.0 to 7.0 and a hardness of 1.0 to 2.0. Because of their small size, these fish should not be kept together with fish that are large or aggressive fish. These fish can be kept together with other tetra species such as rummy-nose tetra, cardinal tetra or other fish species. Neon tetra is omnivores and like the food in the form of flake food, small shrimps, daphnia, frozen blood worms, tubifex or small-sized pellets.
Male and female parent can be distinguished clearly. At males are straight blue line, while the blue line is bent females. To cultivate neon tetra, place a pair of spawning fish in tubs dark. Light intensity can then be increased gradually until spawning occurs. During the mating process, the fish can be fed in the form of mosquito larvae. After laying, the parent can be taken or removed from the aquarium. After 24 hours, the eggs will hatch. Usually water for hatching not be aerated so that the pH is stable. If given, aerasinya very small.
Cardinal Tetra
Cardinal Tetra (Paracheirodon Axelrodi) is a freshwater fish of the family Characin (family Characidae) of order Characiformes. These fish are native to the upper Orinoco river and the Rio Negro in South America.
Growing a total length of about 3 cm (1.25 in), the cardinal tetra has the characteristics of a line striking iridescent blue with a red line under it from the front to the tail fin. Cardinal Tetra fish common name, refers to a brilliant red color reminiscent of the robe of a cardinal. While his Latin surname given to a German fish expert Dr. Herbert R. Axelrod as a privilege.
Glance cardinal tetra appearance is very similar to its cousin neon tetra, many people are confused to distinguish them, but if we would be clear again. It's easy to distinguish between the cardinal tetra with neon tetra. red neon tetra only about half the length of the nose to the upper half body and the blue color of his blue lines appear less vibrant. Paracheirodon Axelrodi also often called red neon tetra.
Cardinal Tetra is a very popular aquarium fish, but less popular than neon tetra because until recently, it is difficult to have been domesticated in captivity. However, many farmers who have started producing these fish at this time.
Typically, the hobbyist ornamental fish prefer to buy fish that is farmed, but some ichthyologists (fish expert) Brazil believes that the hobbyist fish should continue to support sustainable fisheries cardinal tetra from the Amazon basin to choose fish wild catch (WC), because there are thousands of people working in the area for fishing and traded for ornamental fish hobbyists worldwide. If the fishermen lost their livelihoods in the fishing Cardinal Tetra and other tropical fish, there is a great potential that they will be involved in deforestation to meet their needs.
In the Barcelos area on the banks of the Rio Negro Brazil, where most locals catching fish for the commercial ornamental fish industry. Fishing cardinal tetra here is highly appreciated by the local community who act as environmental stewards. Local people may not engage in activities that are potentially damaging to the environment, such as deforestation because they can remain sustainable living of these fisheries.
Perhaps because its origins are caught wild, cardinal tetra tends to be rather small in captivity. In the wild, these fish inhabit water (soft), acidic water, but it seems to be tolerant to water more alkaline conditions. They prefer warm water temperatures (above 75 ° F (24 ° C) or warm). Cardinal Tetra bred in captivity tend to be stronger to adapt to tougher water (hard) than the Cardinal Tetra wild catch.
Given the origins of Cardinal Tetra, namely the river Blackwater which has an acidic pH, mineral content low and the presence of humic acid, this species adapt to the various conditions in captivity, although deviations of soft water and acid water chemistry of native range they would have a serious impact on the nursery and fecundity. The preferred temperature range of fish is 21 ° C to 28 ° C (70 ° F to 82 ° F). Chemical content in water from the water in the aquarium must be compatible with wildlife habitat.
As a species clustered in the wild, minimum maintenance is ten head or more. The flow of water in the tank can help encourage the clustering behavior. The greater the number of fish in an aquarium tetra (in accordance with the usual restrictions imposed by space and filtration efficiency) will be better, and will provide an impressive display and visually stunning.
This fish is an omnivore eating small pellets and worms frozen, but the nursery is advisable to use live food such as Daphnia.
Aquarium supplies should be planned carefully. aquatic plant life, as well as providing components biological filtration enhancements to assist in maintaining the management of nitrate content in water, providing an environment that resembles at least a portion of wild habitats her and leafed plants smooth as Cabomba usually a crop of choice, although other plants such as Amazon sword plants and Vallisneria equally suitable for their aquarium.
Floating plants will provide shade. This should be considered in breeding these fish. A biotope (miniature original habitat) perfectly contained bogwood, some native plant life, dark substrates, the plants floating in it and the lights were quiet (not too bright) to give them comfort that they want to spawn.
This species exists in some form of a different color or phenotype. A "gold" and "silver light" is a form that is in the waters of the Rio Negro which have little longitudinal blue lines. The normal form of the waters of the Rio Negro has a blue line that stretches to the adipose fin while the waters of the Orinoco phenotype has a line which stops before its adipose. Orinoco phenotype may be a subspecies of P. axelrodi.
Black Neon Tetra
Fish Black Neon tetra (Hyphessobrycon herbertaxelrodi) is a freshwater fish of the family characin (family Characidae) of Characiformes. This fish comes from the south of Brazil Paraguay. This fish does not resemble a neon tetra fish, which is included in a different genus. Black neon tetra fish sometimes called black tetra
In the adult size of more than one inch, suitable for small aquariums. Peaceful and easy to care for, this fish also make a great addition to a larger community aquarium.
Other fish such as tetras Black Neon fish prefer soft acidic water, but they are quite adaptable and more tolerant of hard neutral water of some kind of tetra. Peat filtering is recommended to bring out the best colors, and is very important when trying to breed them.
Blue Tetra
Almost the same as the neon tetra, but the color only has a blue stripe on the body and there are glimpses of gold and orange colors.
Blue neon tetra fish sometimes called tetra blue because the blue line in the body.
Silvertip Tetra
Silvertip tetra (Hasemania nana) are freshwater tetra fish native to blackwater rivers in Brazil. Silvertip tetras are slightly more aggressive than other comparable smaller tetras, observed occasionally to nip other similarly sized tetras.
The males have a copper color, the females are more pale and silvery. Both have white tips on the fins, hence the name. They differ from most other tetras by lacking a small second dorsal (adipose) fin. Silvertip tetras have a black area at the base of their caudal fin. The fish are transparent except for that fact that their bodies have an overall copper sheen. During the night, the copper and black become silver as the fish rests — the color is reactivated once the fish becomes active in the morning. It grows to approximately 3 cm (1 in) in overall length. Other than coloration, sexual dimorphism is slight, the female having a very slightly larger belly.
Silvertip tetras are found in blackwater rivers in Brazil.
Silvertip tetras prefer a densely planted aquarium, with a dark substrate. They are a shoaling fish and prefer a space in the center for swimming room. The fish come from very soft and acidic waters and when these conditions are met, their colors become more vivid. They tend to occupy the middle level of the aquarium. While tank-bred Silvertips have adapted well to a wide range of water conditions, in the wild they inhabit very soft, acidic waters. Silvertips have a lifespan of about three years.
Silvertip tetras are considered moderately easy to keep in a community aquarium with a pH of 6.0 - 7.5. However, they will not tolerate dramatic changes to their environment. They tend to be moderately aggressive and, because of their small size, should not be kept with large or aggressive fish. Fish that mix well in an aquarium are other types of slightly larger tetras, such as the rummy-nose tetra, Buenos Aires tetra, and black neon tetra, and other community fish that live well in an ideal tetra water condition. Mid-level feeders, they are best kept in schools of five to six or more, for the shoaling effect when they move around the tank. They shoal naturally in the wild and are thus happier, more brightly colored, and more active when kept as a shoal as opposed to singly. The color may also fade during a period of stress. Silvertips are best kept in a densely planted tank with subdued light and an ideal temperature of 72-78 degrees Fahrenheit to resemble their native Amazon environment. Given the origins of the silvertip tetra, namely blackwater rivers whose chemistry is characterised by an acidic pH, low mineral content and the presence of humic acids, the species is adaptable to a wide range of conditions in captivity, though deviation from the soft, acidic water chemistry of their native range will impact severely upon breeding and fecundity. If the intention of the aquarist is to breed the species, then the water chemistry of the aquarium water should match that of the wild habitat - filtration of the aquarium water over peat is one means of achieving this. Floating plants providing shade will be welcomed by the species and help with the breeding of the fish.
Silvertip tetras are omnivores and will accept most flake foods, but should also have some small live or frozen foods such as brine shrimp, and bloodworms to supplement their diet.
To breed silvertip tetras, place a pair of the species in a breeding tank without any light, and gradually increase the lighting until spawning occurs. A perfect biotope to promote breeding would be lots of bogwood, a few live native plants, with a dark substrate and subdued lighting with floating plants. Other inducers include mosquito larvae and a hardness of fewer than four degrees. Some also recommend a water change of at least 50 percent. It is recommended that everything placed in the aquarium is sterilized, as well as the aquarium top. Because the adults will often eat the newly hatched fry, it is best to remove them as soon as the eggs have been laid. The eggs are especially sensitive to light. Eggs will hatch within 24 hours of laying. Fry can be fed rotifers, especially infusoria and egg yolk for one to four weeks, followed by nauplii of brine shrimp. Fry will achieve their adult coloration at approximately one month of age. Adults can spawn every two weeks. (wikipedia)
Red Eye Tetra
Red Eye tetra scientific name (Moenkhausia sanctaefilomenae) is derived from the family Characidae were found in South America such as Brazil, Paraguay, and Bolivia.
Red-Eye Tetra fish alive and active in the middle of the waters of the aquarium and is a species of fish in peace. This fish is characterized mostly silver colored body but in the back displays a green scales. Red-Eye Tetra has a characteristic black band at the base of its tail and a thin yellow band on the tail fin forked.
Red-Eye Tetra fish gets its name from the red bow that is clearly visible on the top of his eyes. The ideal condition is the maintenance of the aquarium volume of 20 gallons and filled about 6-8 tail Red-Eye Tetra due to the specification as it will give you plenty of rooms to swim for these fish.
These fish also eat the plants usually fairly soft so use plastic plants is more advisable than the use of native plants. In addition, the use of dark colored substrate will bring up a contrast effect when combined with a relatively light body color.
Basically, the Red-Eye Tetra including omnivorous fish are able to eat all kinds of feed given, sometimes hobbyists give him a live feed or even vegetable-based feed in pellet form. With good care, Red-Eye Tetra fish can live for five years.
When the female will lay eggs necessary for you to provide a special place of spawning or split between female and her eggs because eggs are sometimes eaten by the mother. Females will deploy several hundred eggs in a place that has been provided and the eggs will hatch within 2 days.
Lemon Tetra
Lemon Tetra, pulchripinnis Hyphessobrycon is a species of freshwater fish, originating from South America. Fish colors less fun for the money kept in an aquarium. With pressure transport color in the store often pull one gray, make people buy, they often overlook. Color only appeared well after about two weeks in a planted aquarium. Because they are not too large, they are suitable for a small aquarium. It is a school of fish with at least five associates should be stored. The best are more women as men are held. One male two female ideal.
Family: Charachidae (Characins)
subfamily: Tetragonopterinae
Location: Amazonegebied Amazon
Category: Fresh Water Fish / Fish Tropical / Characins
Length: For approximately 5 cm
They can be the best place in an aquarium with a dark substrate. This contributes, along with soft water (4-8 ° DH), be color, the deeper the better.
Social characteristics
Lemon tetra is a peaceful and tame fish bigger is best for justice. If he just saved, then they slowly wither away. Lemon Tetras quite active, and live in the middle layer of water.
Description appearance
Lemon tetra has a compressed body. The pectoral fins are translucent yellow, translucent and pelvic cavity. The eyes are a striking feature of these fish, the upper half of the iris is in the red.
Differences between the sexes are not always easy to determine. The males are smaller than females and a black border along the anal fin intensively stained. The women were more complete. Behind it has a yellow-brown color, which turns into a soft lemon yellow. Dorsal and anal fins have a prominent lemon yellow tip against blacks in their fins.
Lemon tetra is not picky on food. Good eating dried fish flakes and granules as small live food such as daphnia and tubifex.
The best fish factory in a separate propagator with fijnbladige plates, soft green water and many floating. Parents eat their own clutch, and, therefore, should be removed immediately after spawning. Eggs from Tetra Lemon comes after 24-48 hours and the larvae 2-3 days on their yolk sac. After 4-5 days they begin to swim freely. Young animals can be improved by fine dust feed. Citroentetraatjes The young are very sensitive. The water should be very clean and regularly changed. They can not resist temperature fluctuations.
Black Tetra
Black Tetra (Gymnocorymbus ternetzi) is a freshwater fish that is quite popular among the ornamental fish hobbyists for years. These fish have been domesticated and some breeders are creating new variations with different colors of Black Tetra in general. comes from a family Characidae and live at temperatures 21 - 25 ° C with a pH: 6.4 - 7.0
This fish is known to live in some conditions so that the water of the Black Tetra survival rate is quite high. In addition, Black Tetra easy to breed in the home aquarium and usually the female puts its eggs among the plants.
In Aquascape itself has many uses and is proven safe for aquatic plants in the aquarium. It is included Schooling Fish or fish are often known as clustered so the best way is to buy a certain amount (usually more than 5 mice) and place them on the same aquarium.
For business meals, Black Tetra can eat dry feed like fish in general and when the availability of food was lacking in the aquarium, the fish is still able to survive by eating what is in the aquarium either algae or plants.
Congo Tetra
Congo Tetra with Scientific Name Moenkhausia sanctaefilomenae come from families Characidae and are found in Brazil, Paraguay, Bolivia and South America is one of the tetra species from Africa and the most used / maintained in an aquarium. Congo Tetra has a silver hue that dominates the lower part of his body and there are shades of aquamarine blue while the upper part golden yellow.
The colors on the body will be raised / conspicuous as he grows. In addition, the color of the male is more prominently when compared to females. The best way to keep the fish Congo Tetra is in a group consisting of 3 to 6 Congo Tetra fish. These fish are quite active and more like an aquarium conditions that are not too bright or shaded conditions overgrown many plants.
Congo Tetra fish is able to coexist with other fish species without a dispute, but usually, it happens when other species have the same size with him. Preferred water conditions Congo Tetra is a neutral pH (7.0) and medium hardness.
Ordinary dry feed is given to fish this one and it does not matter, but sometimes you need to give him a live feed in the form of blood worms or other feed. The rare fish species have been domesticated in the aquarium. These fish normally live in water temperature 21 - 28oC at pH 5.5 - 8.5.
Rosy Tetra
With Scientific name Hyphessobrycon rosaceus and resemblance of his name with Rosy Barb fish but both of these species have no relationship at all and different from each other. Rosy Tetra fish has a slightly thicker body and different when compared with tetra species in general.
The special feature of this fish is to have a little pink hue when under illumination, the red hue found in several parts of the body, lower fins, tail except on the dorsal fin is usually just black or white. Rosy Tetra fish also have a vertical black line that is quite vague in each eye.
Rosy Tetra fish occurrences in the wild normally at Essequibo, Corantijn and river basin Suriname, Guyana-Brazil. Basically, Rosy Tetra fish can live and adapt in a variety of water conditions, but sometimes body color fades when under stress or when the quality of life decreases.
Rosy Tetra also includes fish that live in groups consisting of a minimum of 6 animals in the aquarium and fish is an intermediate level swimmers (swimming in the middle area of ​​the aquarium) and prefer in water with a temperature of 23 - 28oC. The addition of live plants is preferred these fish so suitable if you intend to maintain it in an Aquascape.
Rosy Tetra able to eat small flakes, worms or fish are very small (newly hatched baby fish). Parameters of water are ideal for the growth of Rosy Tetra is a little soft and you have to keep the pH stable.
Tiger Barb
Sumatran Tiger barb or barb (Puntius tetrazona) is a fish of the genus Puntius found on the island of Sumatra and Kalimantan (Indonesia), Malaysia and Cambodia. Tiger barb is small with a maximum of 7 cm in body length and body width 3 cm.
This fish has a silver color until golden brown and has four black vertical stripes on its body, and there is also a red color on the fins and nose. Some tiger barb has a different color though one species, such as green tiger barb or mosses green tiger barb which has a blackish green color on the body without vertical lines and albino tiger barb yellow with four vertical lines are almost invisible. Tiger barb is an omnivorous fish that can eat several types of plants, worms, crustaceans and other commercial food, in addition, they also need a balance between meat consumption by plants. Tiger barb is rather aggressive and lives in groups with the number per group is 6 or more tails. These fish live at a temperature of 21 - 260C and pH 6 - high as 7.5. Tiger barb reaches sexual maturity when their body length reaches 2-3 cm, or at the age of 8 weeks. Females are generally larger and more rounded stomach, dark dorsal fin while males seem to be more bright, has a red nose and a bright red line above the dorsal fin.
For breeding, prepare the tank by setting the plants and the water temperature is warmer. Females usually lay eggs in the morning with the number of eggs of about 200-500 items in a mature female spawn dependent (the more mature the number of eggs produced more and more). The eggs are sticky and placed around the plant. Separate parent if the process of laying has been completed because the mother known to like to eat their own eggs. Transparent yellowish eggs that will hatch in 36 hours and the baby fish will be ready to swim after 5 days. Feed the baby fish with brine shrimp until they are able to eat commercial feed.
Albino Tiger Barb
Just different color with tiger barb because it has more color short-sighted, has similar characteristics with tiger barb.
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