Echinodorus Tenellus | FishandAqua

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Echinodorus Tenellus

Echinodorus Tenellus image
Echinodorus Tenellus image
Echinodorus tenellus is Aquascape plants with elongated leaf shape and color of bright green grass. This plant is usually used as a cover on the front of Aquascape. You can plant with low light intensity, but when using a high intensity, the leaves will turn green tenelllus redness. Treatment was not difficult, just use the basic fertilizer alone, Aquascape tenellus plant can spread to cover the entire surface.

Scientific name: Echinodorus tenellus
Seed origin: separation of clumps
Aquascape Plants condition: Leaf land
Packaging plants Aquascape: per-rod
Needs Lights: high light intensity
Growing Media Aquascape: poor sand and fertilizer base
Plant Growth Type: spread on the bottom surface of the media

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