Hair Grass | FishandAqua

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Hair Grass

Hair Grass

Hair Grass photo

Dwarf Hairgrass (Eleocharis parvula) is similar to the water plant grass on land. So used to close the aquarium substrate. Color looks attractive with bright green leaves, upright like grass.
Hairgrass grows short, can reach a maximum height of 10 cm, this species uses the roots of vines (runners) to make branching roots spread and cover the substrate resembles a green carpet. Hairgrass called, because the leaves are very slim thin as thin as hair. Hairgrass indeed excellent spawning sites for fish.

The placement of these plants usually as foreground, yet very flexible depending on the theme Aquascape also tastes. Very beautiful when combined with rocks, and combined with other foreground plants such as: Glossostigma sp, Sagittaria subulata, Hemianthus callitrichoides, Riccia fluitans, or Echinodorus tenellus. Hairgrass is amphibian species, so it can grow well in submerged condition partially or completely submerged.

Scientific name: Eleocharis parvula
Common name: hairgrass
Level of difficulty: easy
CO2 demands: moderate
Lighting demands: medium-high
Plant arrangement: Foreground
Growing pace: slow -moderat
Family: Cyperaceae
Genus: Eleocharis
Origin: Worldwide
Type propagation: Rhizome
Water Hardness: Medium (GH = 9-13 dH)

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